In or Out? Mastering Pickleball Line Calls for Fun and Fair Play
Few moments in pickleball are as contentious as the classic “Was that ball in or out?” Line calls can spark debates, ruin friendships, and even threaten to derail an otherwise friendly match. But fear not—pickleball rules are here to keep the game fun, fair, and drama-free. Knowing when a ball is truly out (hint: only when you can clearly see space between the ball and the line) is crucial, but so is maintaining good sportsmanship and respect for your opponents. Let’s dive into the rules and best practices for making calls on the court.
First and foremost, remember that the benefit of the doubt always goes to your opponent. If you’re not 100% sure the ball is out, it’s considered in—simple as that. This keeps the game fair and avoids unnecessary conflict. On a serve, however, things change slightly: if the ball lands on the kitchen line, it’s out. Otherwise, any ball that even touches the line during play is considered in. Calls should be made promptly and with clear hand signals or verbal confirmation. Waiting too long to call a ball out is akin to losing your spot in a game of “shotgun”—you forfeit the right to the claim.
Finally, good sportsmanship is key to handling line calls gracefully. Whether you’re on the winning or losing side of a controversial call, a simple “Good game” or “Thank you” goes a long way in preserving the spirit of the game. According to USA Pickleball’s code of ethics, players must prioritize fairness and accuracy when making calls. By following the rules, communicating clearly, and keeping your cool, you can ensure every match is both competitive and enjoyable. After all, pickleball is a game, not a courtroom—so let’s keep it light and fun!