Seven Reasons You’re Popping Up Your Dinks and How to Fix Them

1. Stance: One common mistake is standing too tall at the kitchen line. This reduces your mobility and forces you to bend over to hit the ball, leading to popped-up dinks. Stay low, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your body in an athletic stance. Always play lower than your opponent.

2. Grip Tightness: Holding your paddle too tightly makes it difficult to control the ball. A loose grip allows the paddle to absorb the ball's impact, giving you better control. Imagine holding a baby bird: firm enough to keep it from escaping but gentle enough not to harm it. This gentle grip helps maintain control and prevent pop-ups.

3. Big Swings: Avoid taking large swings while dinking. Big swings generate too much momentum, making it hard to control the ball softly. Instead, keep your paddle in front of you and use small, controlled movements. This keeps you ready to react quickly to your opponent's shots.

4. Using Too Much Wrist: Excessive wrist movement reduces control. Focus on using your shoulder as the hinge for your swings, keeping your wrist neutral. This technique enhances consistency and accuracy in your dinks.

5. Not Taking Balls Out of the Air: Staying close to the kitchen line and taking balls out of the air reduces your opponent's reaction time. If you let the ball bounce and take it on the rise, you’re more likely to pop it up. Stay aggressive by intercepting the ball early.

6. Off-Balance Dinks: When pulled off balance, aim for safe zones rather than trying aggressive shots. Direct the ball to your opponent’s backhand or a less attackable spot to regain control of the point. Establishing these safe zones before the match helps in maintaining consistency.

7. Wrong Target Selection: Dinking down the line might be beneficial for training, but during a game, aim more crosscourt. This provides more space and reduces the chance of getting attacked. Crosscourt dinks offer a larger margin for error, making them safer and more effective.

By addressing these common mistakes, you can significantly improve your dinking game and avoid popping up the ball.


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