Pickleball's Rule Refresh: Clearing Up the Carry and Double Hit Dilemmas

Pickleball's 'carry' and 'double hit' rules are often sources of confusion among players. The 2024 rulebook offers clarity on these issues, making gameplay more straightforward. The carry rule now simply states that any carry is a fault, eliminating the need to determine intent. Similarly, the double hit rule allows for unintentional multiple contacts with the ball, provided they occur during a single, continuous swing. Understanding these nuances is crucial for both players and referees to ensure fair and enjoyable gameplay.

The carry rule, previously hinged on determining whether a carry was deliberate, has been simplified. Now, any instance where the ball is carried or caught on the paddle is deemed a fault, regardless of intent. This change removes the subjective element of the referee having to discern the player's intent, streamlining the decision-making process and ensuring consistency in rulings.

The double hit rule's revision acknowledges that multiple contacts can occur in a single stroke. As long as these contacts are part of one continuous motion and not deliberate, they are allowed. This clarification helps players understand that accidental double hits during fast-paced rallies are not faults, promoting a more dynamic and uninterrupted style of play.


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